Here's our quick bit on the pregnancy before we move on to our little boy!
First of all, I still have a hard time believing we are actually having a little girl - and I am thoroughly enjoying finding bargains on baby girl clothes. Her week developmentally doesn't seem too exciting, but I read through her progress like we're checking boxes - one at a time as God knits her together. So cool that scientific advances can give us such a clear timeline of a baby's development!
This week, Hannah's rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone, and she's growing some meat on those bones - putting on some fat. She's also growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord! She's the size of an onion this week!
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Sorry - it's an awful selfie! I always forget to ask Austin to take them! |
Maternity clothes? No, but Nike shorts are forgiving!
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep: Sleeping well assuming there isn't a torrential flood outside!
Miss anything? Energy and motivation, right now!
Movement: Not from the outside (please don't touch my belly)
Food cravings: I would go for anything easy that doesn't need cooking, but if not that, then... breakfast tacos and donut holes. Mmmm
Anything making you queasy or sick: HEART. BURN. Thanks Hannah.
Have you started to show yet: I don't think I look like a pregnant person. But you would notice some extra pudge if you know me.
Gender: GIRL!!!!!
Labor Signs: Zero
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off, but only because my wedding band is soldered on to the other rings and it is missing a stone (sad, naked finger!).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier this weekend - loved having Austin home and relaxed over the 3-day weekend.
Looking forward to: Feeling more movement from a bigger baby; ultrasound in less than 3 weeks!
Ethan is just 4 months away from turning two - unbelievable. He is getting so big (and so blonde!) so fast. We're in 3T shirts and 2T shorts for the most part. We just moved up to size 7 shoe as well!
He is picking up more and more words and forming more two-word sentences! One of the first things I taught my nuggets when I was a swim instructor was to blow bubbles in the water. I'm anxious to get Ethan to be more water-safe, so I've been trying to get him to blow bubbles at the pool and in the tub. Today, he even said "blow bubbles?" - it was precious.
Speaking of the pool - we have a water-baby for sure. He has NO fear of water, though he is somewhat cautious, and he loves ANY water activities - our baby pool, our neighborhood pool (opened this weekend!), his water table - no fear!
We also signed him up for one day per week of Mother's Day Out for the Fall, and I'm excited for him to make new friends and see them regularly! Lately we've had anxiety with going to the church nursery, so hopefully MDO will help with that. I know having half a day away will be a big help when Hannah comes - I might even wish I had signed him up for two days, but that would only by really useful for us when she arrives. The one (half) day to myself should give me some time to get ready for Hannah, grocery shop (alone!) and clean our house. I also plan to join a MOPS group from the same church and get more plugged in to our new area.
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sweetest picture this month! |
Ethan LOVES corn. |
Joyride with dad! |
He would live in this pool if he could (and I would let him, if it weren't for the mosquitoes! |
Reminiscing about the many nights he spent in this crib! |
Learning animal sounds & colors |
Tantrum: because he doesn't like cheese |
Ethan & Parker playing at a Gymboree playdate |
We LOVE our playgrounds! |
Children's Museum |
He so wants to be independent. Loves filling up his own pool! |
Right after we got back from the neighborhood pool - he loves that whale, even when he isn't in it! |
Relaxing with Dad over the weekend |
Hunkered down during one of many bad storms that blew through Houston! |
That sums it up for our fam, friends! The house is finally "ready enough" for pictures and a house tour - just need to take pictures! I've been so tired lately that I've been resting when Ethan is napping so not much gets accomplished during naptime. I re-irritated my skiing injury so I've had to take it easy for that, too.
PS - I'm looking for a new diaper bag, preferably a tote with a crossbody strap. I know timi & leslie make them, but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything awesome out there! Want it to look like a normal tote - no crazy patterns, as I prefer a solid camel or black color... I'm so not picky, right?!
Have you seen this tote? It is expensive, but sooo cute!