Sunday, February 28, 2016

Stuff Ethan Says No. 3

This one is from Austin:

After waking up Ethan, I picked him up and we flew to the potty. Once there he looked up at me and said "Daddy? I'm happy."


Things that make you cry on a Sunday! Love this one. 


Saturday, February 27, 2016

{Hannah}: four months old!

Hannah is 4 months old! She's our little chunk, who wears 9-month clothes, size 3 diapers, sleeps all night (knock on wood) and, clearly, loves to eat! She smiles with her eyes and it'll knock your socks off.

This month, Hannah left the state of Texas for the first time to visit another state we love dearly - COLORADO! (We love it so much, we have taken Ethan on 3 trips there in less than 2.5 years.)

She can roll both ways if she's very motivated, but she doesn't roll across a room yet. She is very grabby and everything goes in her mouth!

She HATES being on her stomach and will roll over as quickly as possible if in that position.

She got to wear this dress to church, which I also wore as a baby!

Some other photos from this month: 



UPDATE: H's four month checkup stats below.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Stuff Ethan Says No. 2

We have two today, and it's only noon!

This morning, while building train tracks with Austin:

Austin: Aw, Ethan! You knocked it with your butt!
Ethan: (turning and sticking his tush out) I got a butt! I got a butt!


Just a few minutes ago, after using the potty, Ethan runs out of the bathroom, to the playroom where Hannah and Daddy are, and puts his hand out, saying "one second, one second. I gotta get M&Ms." This kid has priorities! He wants to play with his sister but he definitely needs to get his potty reward first! Ha!

He says the darnedest things!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Stuff Ethan Says No.1

I should definitely be asleep already. I have a three month old, so good sleep is NOT guaranteed. Also, the toddler has started requesting night lights and is generally afraid of things he wasn't aware of before, so I should sleep now as some kind of insurance policy. You know, just in case...

BUT, I just had this genius idea to record #stuffEthansays because, let's be real. Toddlers are hilarious. He's learning numbers and the alphabet and how to get my attention, and it's adorable. 

This morning in the car (AKA swagger wagon), I was a little preoccupied with the winding traffic in front of me, when...
Ethan: Mommy! Mommy! WHOO! Mommy!
Me: Yes, Ethan?
Ethan: Mommy, where go cows?
We pass two pastures on our way to MDO, and his cows weren't close to the road today. But seriously, y'all. He said "whoo!" like you would whistle to get someone's attention! Whoever taught him this, it's adorable... For now.

Just a kid and his heart balloon in the swagger wagon! ❤️
