Monday, March 25, 2013

heartbeat - week thirteen!

Today marks the end of my first trimester! Whoo hoo!!! I'm celebrating by going to the gym :) We have been working so hard on the house that we've neglected our workouts. It was nice to have a "lazy" Sunday - all we did was workout, laundry, change the locks (finally!) and watch some Game of Thrones! Trust me, compared to our last few weeks, that is a lazy Sunday! It's wonderful!

We heard baby Haynes' heartbeat again today, but I was a grumpy mama because I thought we were getting an ultrasound as well. Apparently I only get TWO, and I already used one! The good news is that we don't go back until May 6th, and when we do, we WILL have an ultrasound and we will find out if it's a boy or a girl! We will have to have some kind of gender reveal to go with it :)

Austin cheered me up (as usual) when we were in the office. The doctor picked up a machine that lets us all hear the baby's heartbeat, and it sounded like static/wind, so of course he made some joke about the baby trying to fight all the wind in there or something. Then we got a major case of the giggles, so we couldn't have heard the heartbeat even if we tried! The doctor finally got it and we all calmed down a little bit. Austin was recording it (I don't know how well it turned out) so if it's any good I will post it later.

I can't believe we will know if it's an Ethan or a Hannah in just six weeks! Lots of people have/are speculating about whether it's a boy or a girl. I'll occasionally feel one way or another, but it isn't consistent. It will be nice to finally know, so we can start planning the room (see previous post! It's going to be awesome/require a lot of time).

If you ever read this, little baby, know that your parents didn't care which one you were. We're blessed to be welcoming you into this world, excited for your future, nervous about being parents, and really just pray that you are happy and healthy. Oh - and tall, so we know you're ours and the hospital didn't switch you out. ;)


UPDATE: Here is a clip of the heartbeat! It's a video of nothing but it's cool to listen to.

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