Wednesday, July 1, 2015

{Hannah}: 23 weeks

So far, we have had an awesome 3-day weekend. Last night, we got to see a movie in a theatre (!) AND go see John Mark McMillan perform (best known for writing 'How He Loves'. All his other music isn't as well-known but is super amazing) since my parents kept Ethan. Those lucky ducks got him to sleep in until 8!!! We are enjoying how much of a sweet rhythm our life has now - we love our house and our yard, and we love to have people here. We even got to enjoy our yard today on July 4th without mosquitos! We found some spray that works well and came away with one single bite. Can I get an amen on that one??!

I can't believe I only have 4 weeks left in the 2nd trimester. This pregnancy is zooming by way more quickly than our first, and yet Hannah's Halloween due date still seems very far off! Her nursery is coming together (I really love it, I sit in there sometimes to relax), and ill post pictures when the bedding is done, since that's about all that we have left!

While my heartburn is managed, I still seem to have some reflux-related issues. Frequently, when I lay down to go to sleep, I get little gas bubbles in the asophogus which, to me, sound like a groan stick toy (link for reference: Eventually I will sit up to get it out or just prop my head & shoulders up so it stops happening. While I know real discomfort is still on its way, this is just a little irritating, and it makes falling asleep that much more difficult. 

This week, Hannah is the size of a bunch of grapes, and weighs over 1.25 lbs. 

I would guess that my belly is a little larger than a bunch of grapes. ;) we all know there's a little more going on in there!

How far along? 23 weeks - 17 to go!
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Would be better if I could get past these allergies. Nothing is helping, and I can't take much in the way of meds! 
Miss anything? Being able to take medicine.
Movement: Frequently! But she's too low to share with anyone other than Austin. 
Food cravings: Mexican food! We passed a La Madeline today, and wanted that too! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just those weird gas-burp bubbles when I lay down!
Gender: Little girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Mostly happy but taking everything Austin says to heart. Not always good. 
Looking forward to: Galveston with my family (parents, brothers, sister-in-law) in two weeks! 
Prayers this week: Primarily continuing last week's prayer for discipline in me, so I can be a good example. Along those lines, praying for certain admirable personality traits for Hannah. 


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