Thursday, April 28, 2016

{Hannah}: six months old!

I'm a day late on this one, since Hannah was born on the 27th, but that suits my busy week well!

Hannah loves to sit, but still loses her balance and topples over. She's a regular Speedy Gonzalez in her walker, and she always aims for her brother. She was moving forward in the walker almost from the get-go. She has gotten her knees under her several times this week but I think it'll be a while before she realizes she can move if she also lifts up her arms (right now she just looks like she's trying to burrow herself in the carpet!).

We haven't started her on food yet and I'm in no rush to. Nursing has been pretty easy and feeding a baby with a spoon is a lot more work! We will probably start trying that around 7 months or when she demonstrates an ability to pick up her food and put it in her own mouth. With Ethan I was anxious to have him try all these different foods, we probably filmed it, and really... It was a lot of work, and a big mess.

I'll update this post next week with her stats!

Ethan is becoming an even better big brother every day. He's eager to police, poke, and play with Hannah, and he loves making her laugh!
