Sunday, November 24, 2013

two months

This has been the fastest two months of my life. (I think that will be the theme for these posts: "This has been the fastest ___ of my life".) I don't think any part of my pregnancy flew by this quickly, and I definitely wish things would slow down a bit. Working while taking care of a baby and a puppy might do that to you, though!

While I don't have Ethan's stats today, we are going to get his shots tomorrow, so they will likely measure him then. Undeniably, the two compliments (comments?) we get are: 1) He is so big! 2) He is so CUTE! - I can't agree more. Little man is squeezing into 3-6 month clothes... at all of two months old. It seems we will need to upgrade (yet again) quite soon. Aunt Kristin - we may be knocking down your door for more clothes soon! :)

We spent all day Saturday shopping for a car with a baby. If you think anything is more exhausting, I will challenge you on that. We got him in and out of the car repeatedly. We brought him because the car we pick (if we ever pick one) has to accommodate a car seat (roomy back seat) and be able to load and unload a stroller easily. Unfortunately, though we just bought the Jeep last year, it is a huge hassle. We'll bear with it until we find something that will work perfectly. It's hard having a modest budget and sticking to it when you're looking for a car that needs to meet many needs...

While we keep you waiting for Ethan's stats and an update on how he handles the doctor, here are some adorable pictures of our sweet little two-month-old!

Last night, before bedtime

This morning, as he was waking up

I'll share a stats photo tomorrow after we have some accurate stats from the doctor!


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