Sunday, May 25, 2014

eight months old!

In the wise words of my husband: "You've almost been out as long as you were in!"

Ethan is a BIG 8-month old, bigger than the 12-month-old babies at daycare! He's getting really close to a legitimate crawl; he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks, just before falling to the ground and army-crawling across the room. He moves so fast, too! Bear will let him get fairly close, then move across the room, and wait for Ethan to catch up to him again.

In the past month, Austin and I went to New York and D.C.

At the TODAY Show! We met Willie, Tamryn,
and Savannah.

We took Ethan to the zoo for the first time:

He LOVED it!
We took Ethan to an Astros game for the first time:

Thanks to his Uncle Sam, he also met a
pro baseball player!
Papaw had to choose between buying Ethan ice cream or a new hat.
So glad he chose the hat! I've never seen a cuter hat model.
I was in a wedding, turned 25, I started my new job, and started Ethan at daycare. He loves daycare! He gets excited when he gets there and he sees his teacher and his friends. Fortunately, one of us is usually there to pick him up before 5 pm, and I have Fridays off, so we always have the weekend together.

So far, I like my job, but I have only gone for 4 days! It's a little slow starting but I'm sure more work will come. In early August, I get to decide whether I want to stay on full- or part-time, and until then, just test the waters and see if I like it! I'm really enjoying the flexibility and my new boss is a really nice person, too.

Without further ado, our monthly photos!


Really, Mommy is just holding my whale.

YAY! I love my whale.

I'm DONE with this sitting still business. Adios!

And one last one: Ethan admires our art. He didn't touch it - he just looked at it!

Flashback to the last time I used that blanket for backdrop (the one on the left is a little more zoomed in):


He is getting so big!


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