Wednesday, December 3, 2014

14 months old!

November is... over? It's December?

How is it that December always creeps up on me?

November was action-packed, and December will be even more so. I kicked off the month with a work trip to Miami, where I stayed at a fabulous hotel, ate delicious food, never touched even one grain of sand, and worked 14-16 hours each day. Ethan, however, had a fabulous time with Daddy, who was very tired at the end of the week as well!

This is a picture Austin sent me while I was gone. Happy boy!
I determined that Ethan is the cutest baby ever:
He looks like such a baby!
Grandma had surgery to fix her brain aneurysm, and we visited her:
I promise he doesn't wear the same thing every day...
And then, of course, we had Thanksgiving, and I got some really awesome pictures of Ethan and daddy.
blurry because I had to zoom WAY in - melts a mama's heart!
this was too cute, too!

This is literally the best selfie we could manage
Papaw is Ethan's favorite person right now. By a LONG shot. We're all chopped liver when
Papaw is around.
Ready to ride his 4-wheeler!
How old is this kid, like 7?

we <3 ice cream!
we HATE it when there's no more ice cream.
That's our November!

There will be LOTS more pictures to come for December... Can't wait to see Bavaria & Berlin!


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