Sunday, May 29, 2016

{Hannah}: seven months old!

Hannah is seven months (and two days...) old!!

She loves putting everything in her mouth, including food, toys, and anything else in a five-foot radius. We have started baby led weaning (so, no baby food!) and she LOVES bananas. Hannah Banana is totally living up to her name. She could eat a bunch of sweet potato and broccoli and still polish off a banana!

She can hold her own bottle and she is anxious to move. He hasn't gotten the crawling thing down but she does rock back and forth on her knees, so the time will come soon - and I've started child proofing to prepare. She is also attempting to pull up on us, and anything else she can reach. She hasn't been successful without help from us, but I think once she figures one of them out (crawling or pulling up) the other will quickly follow!

She loves the dishwasher and the pantry when she's in her walker. She is stealthy and incredibly fast in that thing! She's able to stay in her exersaucer longer and we throw extra toys on there for variety. 

Big brother is easily her absolute favorite person, and also the most likely to play a little too rough with her, but that's never bothered her!

Hannah can be LOUD. This girl knows what she wants. She will SCREAM at you if you aren't doing what she thinks you should be doing. Usually that means she needs a nap or needs to be held! The quickest remedy for that is taking her outside. She loves being outdoors and is content outside for a long time! She absolutely loves being in the water with her brother, and Ethan really loves the water!

We also had Hannah's baby dedication at our church on May 15th. We committed ourselves to bringing her up to walk with the Lord.

Here's our happy SEVEN month old! ❤️


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