Tuesday, October 15, 2013

three weeks old

It is amazing the difference a week makes! For the most part, we get plenty of (interrupted) sleep at night - not last night so much, but most nights, he is a great sleeper and we get to sleep in 3-hour chunks between feedings. We've found that when we let him cry a little before he goes to sleep he sleeps better/longer than if we jump in as soon as he starts crying, or if he doesn't cry at all when we lay him down. We've also seen him cry with his pacifier in his mouth. What's the point if he still cries? He also really prefers to be held during the day, which makes it nearly impossible for me to accomplish anything. He knows when we lay him down and he lets us know that he is not happy about it.

ohhh good morning!

look how far I can turn my foot!

pondering a question

being a DJ/he lives for the applause

MJ pose

and our weekly stats...

We got lucky when we measured him last night, since he usually has his knees up like in the above pictures and won't let us stretch out his legs...

This tired mama wants to know when naptime is. I'm ready.


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