Sunday, September 7, 2014

a day in the life

I am a part-time worker-bee, part-time stay at home mom. I like the arrangement we have for right now, because I get more time with Ethan than I would in a full-time position, Ethan gets to play with other children, and someone else battles to feed him lunch (it's a mess whether I do it or he does). It's a win-win, minus all the extra snot which stems from being in constant contact with other little-bitties.

On Friday, I was off. I had just gone to a Noonday Trunk Show with some girls from our church on Thursday here in the neighborhood, from which I did not return until about 11 PM. Yikes! So when Ethan cried to wake up at 6:30 AM on my day off, I said "NOOoooooooo," and rolled over. I hoped he would go back to sleep, and he seemed to. In effect, I 'snoozed' my child (you can start getting judgey now). I justify this with mornings like today, in which my son, who went to bed at 8 PM, has to be woken up at 8:40 AM because he will otherwise just keep sleeping. I know the kid is capable. Of course, his mom and dad were both up at 7:30 AM today, so we just can't win.

Unfortunately for me, Ethan had filled up his diaper on Friday morning, so when I went in to get him at 7:30 AM, he had covered himself - head to toe - in the diaper's contents. By this time, Austin was well on his way to work, so this mama got to wage the war against germs and sickness solo -- including the screaming in the bathtub because somebody was HANGRY! Come on, mama!

All that is to say, having kids doesn't make early mornings easier - it just makes them necessary. Don't you all just want lots of babies?!

I have to say, Ethan is a delightful little boy. I wouldn't trade him for the world, and despite mornings like this, I still want another little human someday. Some mornings, he even wakes up happy and babbles to us through breakfast - it's sweet. But folks, you can tack my Friday morning experience onto the blog post I wrote a while back for those thinking of having/adopting a little human.

Other awesome things accomplished this weekend:

-Austin had a guy's night with his best friend (this is a rarity, but awesome for them).

-New faux mount above the bed. I'm looking for an ornate oval frame (probably will settle for an IKEA one, but I'm not totally sold yet...).

-We finally found inexpensive and plain pillow covers for the Man Cave couch.

-We bought a cheap IKEA desk for Austin to work on so he can stop stealing my sewing table.

-I created a new pathway from driveway to back yard (through our new-ish gate) using leftover decomposed granite from our patio reno, and leftover landscaping stones from the previous owners.

-Austin moved a BUNCH of dirt from the front yard. Next phase is sod and adding more of those landscaping stones around the edge of the area we kept the dirt in. We're also looking for groundcover that does well in our area and in shade. And possibly drought. Any suggestions?

Hope y'all had a happy and totally glamorous weekend, too!


PS - someone tell our neighbors we're sorry our trash can is on the street. The City told us to put it there. The trash guys broke it and it's just sitting out there, lidless, collecting water and stinking it up with all those diapers. We are awesome neighbors.

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