Saturday, May 16, 2015

{baby two} 14 weeks

Whew! That first trimester went by quickly. With so much going on, and a toddler on the run -- I'm not surprised!

I've had more queasiness in this pregnancy than the last (so far), but I think less heartburn. I can't remember when the heartburn kicked in with Ethan, but I know I was prescribed meds around 30 weeks. I am definitely more emotional, but finally starting to have a little more energy. All I really wanted to do these last few months was sleep! With packing and unpacking, there hasn't been a lot of time for that. Fortunately we're almost done with that -- unfortunately, I am still not ready for a full house tour on the blog yet!

We do have names picked out! We saved Hannah Rosalie from the first pregnancy. Hannah is a Hebrew name from the Bible (was considered barren but eventually had Samuel) which means 'gracious'. Rosalie was my amazing paternal grandmother. I wish Austin and Ethan had a chance to meet her, and hope any daughter we have can live up to the name of an amazing and godly woman. 

If we have another boy, we have picked the name Thomas Edward. Thomas means "twin" (fitting for the second son) and was the name of one of Jesus' disciples. Though Thomas is often called 'doubting Thomas', we see the Lord meet and overcome his doubt when he urges Thomas to touch his wounds. (And haven't we all doubted?) And finally, the middle name, Edward, is my dad's middle name!

So will it be a boy or a girl?

Old Wives Tales: Gender Predictors
- Carrying high or low? Low (Boy)
- Heart rate: 155 (Girl)
- Craving sweets or salty? Sweets (Girl)
- Chinese Birth Chart: (Boy)
- Acne: Yes (Girl)
- Necklace: Back and forth (Girl)
- Morning sickness: n/a (Boy)
They are pretty even! We have our anatomy scan scheduled for June 15 so stay tuned ;)

Below are those maternity questions from my pregnancy with Ethan!

How far along? 14+ weeks!
Maternity clothes? Yes and no. While they're more comfortable, most of them are huge on me still. My maternity jeans might as well be pajamas - those things are comfortable, they fit, and I love them!
Stretch marks? Not yet, but they will come - hopefully a long while later, or not at all ;)
Sleep: good! Waking up less in the middle of the night which is awesome!
Miss anything? Nothing in particular, but I miss the general freedoms I had when not pregnant (eat this, not that, etc.)
Movement: None yet! Dying for it!
Food cravings: BLUE BELL - cookie dough. Please come back, BB.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Peanut butter gives me heartburn, as well as a couple of other unusual things - along with random nausea and other sick feelings if I haven't had enough water.
Have you started to show yet: No (sorry - no belly, no pic!)
Gender: Guessing it's a girl, but could really be wrong!
Labor Signs: Zero
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. Yikes!
Looking forward to: finding out gender... in 6 more weeks :(


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