Friday, January 27, 2017

{Hannah}: fifteen months old!

Our crazy girl is fifteen months old - and a little less crazy. She's a fast walker, and breaks into a bit of a jog when she's really excited. She's an excellent climber - of stairs and ladders - and has gotten down stairs and ladders on her own a few times - including going down the stairs on her own when I didn't know the baby gate was open. Thankfully we let her practice that before and she was prepared to do it on her own!

Excuse the 50+ pictures below. A lot happens in three months! (And these kids are so darn cute.)

And these gems are from today:

We're so ready for the last of Hannah's Hand Foot and Mouth Disease bumps to go away. Thankfully they were only on her feet and tush - no painful sores in her mouth! It was very mild with no fever... but I'm ready to be done! (And - knock on wood - so far Ethan hasn't caught it yet!)



PS - we're still working on our mantel, but you bet your bottom dollar it'll be up here as soon as it's done - hopefully this weekend!


  1. 50 photos!? haha, amateur :) I love all of those princess dresses! Hannah has grown so much in the past two months, such a lovely young lady.

    1. ha! Well, I just picked a few ;)
      I l-o-v-e toddler/pre-school age. I am really enjoying her! Feisty and funny.
