Thursday, June 8, 2017

{Hannah} 19 months & {Ethan} 3.5 years

Y'all. I'm so behind on this update that Blogger looks totally different, I can now upload my pictures in a much easier way, and we're seriously close to having a 4 year old. (I counted, Ethan's about 45 months old!)
I actually completely forgot about it until my Grammie, who isn't on Facebook, asked me to re-send my blog URL and I realized how long it had been! I also had planned to post something about London, and I have a note saved on my phone from that, so someday I'll get that done!

Our kids are getting older. Tonight, we sat on the bench at the park while they played. That means we finally feel comfortable enough to sit while Hannah plays and climbs (depending on the park). We're getting into a summer rhythm and re-acclimating to the heat!

Hannah is making us work hard to get her to say words. She communicates very well nonverbally so the use of actual words is rare (with the exception of our names, animal sounds, and words like "all done" and "nah" (no) -- you know, the essentials).

Ethan is really enjoying games. While we were in London, we met up with Austin's former nanny (she's from Ireland and lives there now) and she gave us a game called Snap which Ethan loves! We also play Memory, do puzzles, play Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. He loves having alone-time with mom and dad to do big-kid things like that, and he is so much fun to have conversations with!

We're partial, but we think they're both super smart and beautiful!

And, for a change of pace, most of these are Gifs. You're welcome!



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