Thursday, January 30, 2014

ethan's favorite toys - four months

First, I want to briefly review Ethan's stats. He is in the 85th percentile for length (so, down a bit from 95%!), 60th percentile for weight, and 90th percentile for head size. He's growing into his head and he is starting to "even out". Our doctor told us that because we are still breastfeeding, Ethan's risk for obesity is down 30%, and that Ethan is one of the few new babies in his practice that he hasn't seen for any sicknesses this cold/flu season - we pray it stays that way! We're thankful for our healthy little man!

I think buying toys for kids is so hard. What do you buy a new baby? A toddler? A kid? A teen? So, for those of you gearing up for a baby shower, I'm posting a few toy ideas that Ethan loves! (Note that I am not paid for endorsing these products!)

Kick n Play Piano Gym
This is one of Ethan's favorite toys. He plays with the dangley toys, and he kicks the piano. There's an option for the piano to play for a while during tummy time, which he also likes. This is my go-to for a fussy baby!

O'Ball Rattle
My mother-in-law gave us this ball for Christmas and it has really helped develop Ethan's grasp (he was about 3 months old). He is a huge fan! It doubles as a rattle and he loves to try to stick it in his mouth.

Evenflo Exersaucer
This starts out as a floor gym - the arch in the back comes off as well as a couple other pieces for the 1-3 month old babies. Then, at about 4-5 months, they can stand in it. When they're walkers, it converts to an activity table. Since it's three toys in one, it's actually a money-saver and space-saver! He likes anything that he can grab, especially if it makes noise and/or goes in his mouth easily.

Lion Wubbanub Pacifier
We paid about $13 for this one on, and we LOVE it. Ethan can hold it now, and attempt to keep it in his mouth. When he was just born, it was great because it wouldn't roll onto the ground if he stopped sucking on it - it just stayed on his chest or in his seat. Now we tuck the lion into his swaddle when he naps so he doesn't lose it if he stops sucking on it when he is falling asleep. We love this thing, and rarely use other pacifiers at all. It's hard to lose when it is this big!

Sassy Crib and Floor Mirror
Ethan loves this mirror! New babies love the black and white contrast of toys (so look for those!), and this has plenty of that - not to mention that it is interactive because he can see his reflection. It's inexpensive, and we take it on any trips we go on because it's smaller than a square foot (estimating - don't quote me!) and he loves it.

What are your suggestions for toys for new babies?


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