Tuesday, June 24, 2014

nine months old!

Ethan has been out about as long as he was in (finally!). We can't believe how much faster the last 9 months have gone by compared to the first 9 months!

with cousin Jack, the day we couldn't go to the pool

This morning at breakfast
A little about our growing, wiggling, squirming, nine-month-old boy:
-he now has some interest in walking and will walk with the aid of our hands with some encouragement
-still no official crawling, but he makes a mad dash on his belly
-he is a pull-up machine! He pulls himself up like it's what he was born to do it. He's still a little unsteady and likely to fall at any moment, so we are kept on our toes.
-he LOVES his new walker
-he's still totally attached to his dog and lion Wubbanubs
-he is over that nasty double-ear infection (thank the Lord!)
-he HATES medicine now. He knows what those med injector things are and he will resist!
-he is getting blonder by the day. If you put mama's hair next to his, you can really tell. It's a dirty blonde right now.

Monthly photoshoot this morning (one of the few that I have had daddy's help with!):

What else do you do when he won't lie flat?

Update on Ethan's Stats:
Weight: 20 lb 8.8 oz - 67th percentile
Height: 30.5 inches - 99th percentile (!)
Head size: 18.5 inches - 95th percentile
Looks like someone's weight is finally catching up! Woo hoo!

We're also celebrating TWO YEARS of living in back in Houston - we moved into our apartment two years ago today. Crazy how quickly the time has flown by!

PS - I'm not much one for posting pictures of myself (I don't work out enough, sadly), but here's a fun comparison of 9 months pregnant and 9 months post-pregnancy.

9 months pregnant (39 weeks)
9 months post partum (39 weeks)


  1. wow - he looks like a toddler! Based on how big he is, and how small you are....I'm convinced he's older than 9 months ;)

  2. Hahaha, maybe he is! I could be losing my mind as far as counting goes!
