Friday, August 14, 2015

{Hannah}: 29 weeks

I know this is a Hannah post, but this week has been amazing for Ethan! (Insert Kanye's 'Imma let you finish' meme here.) he has started to put more words together - forming sentences - spontaneously. I'm so impressed by him! He's said some two-word sentences for a while (all done; all gone; bye bye dada) but today he said "bye bye Daniel Tiger" and is repeating after me when prompted to add 'please' to items he is asking for ("crackers, please"). He even identified a star-shaped sticker as a "sticker star"! I have no idea where he is compared to other kids his age for vocabulary, but seeing this develop over the course of one week has been awesome. #mombragover

This is me at 28 weeks with both kiddos! (Left is Ethan, Right is Hannah)

I also found a much cooler, new way to track Hannah's growth. This week, she's the size of a Barbie convertible... And I'm about as comfortable as a woman with a Barbie convertible in her belly could be.

On Monday, I went in for my Gestational Diabetes testing, and really expected to pass. (I'm glad I re-read my blog on my pregnancy with Ethan because I totally forgot that this appointment takes so long. So I took some toys for Ethan to play with, and he handled himself really well!) I did end up "passing" that test, but I came back with an iron deficiency, which I didn't expect. I've been more tired lately, but I chalked it up to pregnancy, chasing a toddler, and watching Ethan solo more often than before (Austin is spending most evenings & weekends studying). So I was relieved to learn that there was more to it!  I'm a vegetarian, so sometimes it's easy to forget my iron (though we do eat a lot of spinach), but there are a host of other possible reasons why I'm iron-deficient. I received a prescription for iron pills, so I'm thankful that there's a solution for the problem and that the doctor found it!

How far along? 29 weeks! ~11 to go!
Maternity clothes? Yes! Or stretchy non-maternity clothes. 
Stretch marks? No new ones yet. *crossing fingers & applying lotion*
Sleep: Pretty good. Weird dreams continue!
Miss anything? Caffeine. Abundant caffeine. 
Movement: Yes!! She moves the whole belly around now!
Food cravings: Someone just mentioned French toast on TV, so, that. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Despite taking my prescription for heartburn, I had a touch of it today, which is never fun. 
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On! All repaired and shiny. 
Happy or Moody most of the time? Mostly happy. Is tired an option?
Looking forward to: Seeing my family this weekend!
Prayers this week: Praying that the iron pills do their job & Hannah stays healthy! Also starting to pray for things to come at the end of this pregnancy: patience for me (if she is late), for a smooth delivery (!), and praying for peace that everything will work out. Austin's (huge) test is Oct 30, Hannah is due Oct 31: as long as she doesn't come ON Oct 30 we should be ok... ;)


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