Sunday, October 4, 2015

{Hannah}: 36 weeks

This weekend, we went to Dallas briefly to visit one of Austin's best friends from college, and see my childhood bestie get married! I DO NOT recommend being the driver for a 3.5 hour road trip at 36 weeks pregnant (I did it so Austin could study). However, we made it there and back safely and Hannah stayed put, which was awesome :)

I'm SO glad I convinced Austin to try the bow tie. He pulls it off so well!

This week, Hannah is the size of a Cabbage Patch Doll, is about 19.25", and weighs 6 lbs 7 oz according to her ultrasound from today!

Hannah is perfectly positioned for birth, her organs look great, her weight is great - rejoicing that everything looks good with her.

How far along? 36 WEEKS!!! 3 more til we are full-term. 
Maternity clothes? 90% of the time. The shirt I'm in above is actually not maternity but it is forgiving, to say the least.
Stretch marks? No more new ones... yet.
Sleep: Terrible. Toss, turn, hydrate, bathroom, repeat.
Miss anything? SLEEP!! And more than one cup of coffee per day. Ugh. If I can't have one, can I have the other?!
Movement: still a good amount, but I can tell space is getting tighter.
Food cravings: food I don't have to cook. I'm getting lazy.
Anything making you queasy or sick? The addition of Zantac to my Nexium seems to be helping (hooray)! But I still need Tums close by.
Gender: Girl!!
Labor Signs: I'm dilated to 2 cm, and 50% effaced!
Belly Button in or out? In, and I'm wondering if Hannah will make it pop out (Ethan couldn't)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Long car rides, when pregnant and driving, make me moody. Otherwise I'm just tired.
Looking forward to: our nephew's 3rd birthday party this weekend, Ethan seeing Unca Macka (Matt) this week sometime, and Austin's step-sister's wedding next weekend!
Prayers this week: I felt like I had really started to accept the idea that Hannah could be late (I was in total denial for a while because of the misery with the constant heartburn issues). And then this weekend wore. me. out. So praying again that I would be patient. Also praying for a healthy baby girl and a safe, easy delivery! She will be here before we know it either way.


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