Saturday, September 26, 2015

{Hannah}: 35 weeks

This week I doubled the number of belly touches for this pregnancy (3 more in one week!) and I think it was disappointing for those people since she didn't move much - she really only moves during nap time and in the evenings. It's my consistent sit-and-rest times of each day, so it's her habit. It'll be interesting to see how that transitions outside of the womb!

I also got to reflect on what an amazing dad and husband Austin is, especially on Ethan's birthday. I am seriously tearing up! I don't thank him enough and I couldn't ever thank God enough for him. This man is a rock. He works HARD, often going in to work before daybreak so he can be home with us in the evenings. Some evenings, he comes home for dinner or bath time (he does bath time almost every night!!) and then goes back to work. He's also managing to study for his PE, so if he's not working, he's studying. And yes, this all means a really stressful season of life for all of us, but Austin has always sacrificed for us - even if he loses out on a lot of sleep. He got up at 4 am on Ethan's birthday so he could work before Ethan woke up for breakfast and get to spend the morning with us. He's loving us sacrificially as Christ loved us and is providing for us and leading us as he is called to. And let's be real: I DO get caught up in the stress of having a very busy husband (happened today! Sorry Austin...), but in the grand scheme of things, I'm so thankful that he has worked so hard for us and makes sure he is here when it matters most.

Hannah is currently the size of a kid's backpack (pictured is the one Ethan uses, preschool size). Hannah is supposedly around 18 inches and 5.5 lbs!

{We will get an official weight next Monday, 10/5. Blog posts will start being posted on Mondays as I visit my doctor every Monday from here on out, so no post this Sat!}

I was "sprinkled" today by a few of my friends and it was lovely! Hannah is going to be a really well-dressed little girl.

Everyone from the sprinkle {except Lauren}!

Here's Lauren! ;)

{And, yes, I did request that we wear big hats. I had a blast making mine!}

How far along? 35 weeks! 8 months! Almost done! Hooray!!!!
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? The ones from my pregnancy with Ethan have finally reappeared. Hoping my cream keeps them from getting huge.
Sleep: I don't think I'll see good sleep for a long, long time. 
Miss anything? Not feeling dehydrated all the time. I usually feel like I could drink water for days straight and still be thirsty.
Movement: She flipped herself head-up this week and freaked me out a little. She was back down the next day. Hopefully she stays that way -- she's running out of room and it'll be harder to flip herself back soon.
Food cravings: ugh. No thanks
Anything making you queasy or sick? Yep, heartburn/indigestion/reflux. But my dr suggested adding Zantac at dinner (to the Nexium I'm already on) to help with evening heartburn issues. We will see if this works!!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None, but the Braxton-Hicks contractions are getting to be more frequent
Belly Button in or out? In, but REALLY flattening.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Sleepy.
Looking forward to: A WEDDING for my childhood best friend next weekend, and then our last ultrasound for Hannah!!
Prayers this week: I just want to enjoy these last few weeks and maybe not look forward to the end quite as much as I am now, so really praying that these meds work or I'm just healed completely! My doctor adjusted my medicine for my heartburn, so hopefully the new regimen works!


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