Friday, September 11, 2015

{Hannah}: 33 weeks + a sick brother, again

I don't have a lot of updates for Hannah, but I do have more prayer requests {see very end}! We will go for our next checkup on Ethan's birthday: his checkup is that day, his doctor is in the same building, and I want to kill two birds with one stone since it's a bit of a commute now. After that, our 36 week ultrasound is Oct 5, and then I have weekly appointments. At that point, I will probably switch to Monday updates and post after my office visits (I know you all wait with bated breath - the posts coming two days later will be such a challenge!). I'm glad I've been so diligent with this for Hannah. She may be our last biological baby, and it's been awesome to look back and compare this pregnancy with the last one - I know I'll look back over these later, too!

Ethan, on the other hand, has decided the weekend would be a fun time to be sick - again. And, again, I'm not sure if this is just a teething issue (6 at once does some damage) or if he is viral. We have no snot, sneezing, or coughing (yet), just some gross diapers, higher temps, and lethargy. Today was full of yuck and bad smells and discomfort - as soon as I picked him up from childcare at MOPS I could smell him, and it was downhill from there. Food, pedialyte, Tylenol, and rest seem to have helped!

Pre-MOPS, in his hipster-jeans cuteness. (I didn't notice the puffy eyes at the time, but they didn't go away all day.)

Post-MOPS, during our resting time & movie marathon.

Anyway - hopefully we will have a quick recovery overnight, and a great day tomorrow!

Now for the Hannah updates! Hannah is the size of a junior tennis racquet (19") and likely around 4.5 lbs.

She feels about like a tennis racquet, too, with her feet in my ribs as I try to put shoes on/take shoes off.

How far along? 33 weeks! ~7 to go!
Maternity clothes? Yes. 
Stretch marks? Hopefully nothing new, I'm out of my lotion and haven't gotten more yet!
Sleep: We have entered the phase where I wake up every night for the bathroom, and probably don't stay asleep more than 3 hours at a time. #babyprep
Miss anything? Good sleep!
Movement: Always!!
Food cravings: was craving Greek food and got some Tzatziki and pita to try to fix that, but was still disappointed because our surburban HEB doesn't carry falafel (WHAT?!).
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not currently, unless I eat too much (easy to do, running out of room).
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Tired.
Looking forward to: Rest this weekend! Even if it is forced by an unwell kiddo. 
Prayers this week: I have been praying daily to give my anxieties to the Lord. Hannah is now head down, but she still moves around a LOT (the whole body), so that stir anxiety, even though we do still have time. And, without too much detail, I had to have a procedure done last year (after Ethan's birth, before this one) that could affect if/how I dilate and deliver, which is scary. If I think about it too much, I will start to get anxious and just have to pray some more. There are so many doubts and fears with pregnancy alone that it's easy to get caught up in the anxieties and lose sight of the beauty of it. I've been using several verses to pray over myself and meditate over to calm these fears and remember Who holds both me and this baby girl! Any additional verses you think I may not have considered would be awesome.


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