Friday, September 4, 2015

{Hannah}: 32 weeks

This week was exciting! Ethan went to MDO, I super cleaned the house while he was there, and I really feel refreshed. Weeks of pulling double-duty on the parenting front had really worn me out. I actually wanted to cook dinner! Ha!

I also struggled with my heartburn on Monday - it was so severe that I didn't sleep almost at all that night. I tried to keep my head elevated and sleep, which is just not comfortable. I tried couches, beds... Nothing helped. I figured that the iron pills were probably the culprit, as nausea and heartburn are a common side effect, and I've had small bouts with each since I started taking them, despite already being on a prescription heartburn medication. I talked with my nurse at the doctor's office and we decided to keep me on the same iron pill, as this one has the least severe GI effects (ha!!!) but to change my heartburn medication. My new one is $6/day instead of $6/bottle... Not loving that price tag, but I'm not confined to eating toast, milk and Cheerios, either. By the time Ethan came home from MDO on Wednesday, I had the new meds in my system and I was a new woman! (And sleeping at night! Yay!)

As for Miss Hannah, we get to see the doctor in 3 days! We won't have our last ultrasound for another 4 weeks/two more visits, but we know she's breech (head-up, should be head-down), so we would really appreciate you keeping us in your prayers until she turns. It's pretty easy to tell where she is because she kicks my hips constantly! I've decided to have faith that she WILL turn!

Just in case you're wondering, bottoms-first births aren't pleasant. 

This week, Hannah is the size of a scooter board, and weighs around 4 lbs (probably more, we make big babies around here!).
Don't you want to go back to elementary PE now?

How far along? 32 weeks! ~8 to go!
Maternity clothes? About 85% of the time.
Stretch marks? No new ones since Ethan!
Sleep: Pretty good, as long as my heartburn is under control. 
Miss anything? Cooler temps
Movement: Always!
Food cravings: Satisfied my months-long PSL craving today. Is it just me, or are the prices going WAY up..?
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not anymore!!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? A little more moody this week, but happy that mama got a break and got to take care of some chores this week - sans toddler.
Looking forward to: a BUSY weekend! A gender reveal, a birthday party, and a family dinner all on Saturday alone!
Prayers this week: Praying against temptation to be short-sighted and wish Hannah were here already. Homegirl needs to cook another 7+ weeks, and I can use that time to rest up! :)


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