Saturday, September 19, 2015

{Hannah}: 34 weeks | {Ethan} 2nd Birthday Party

We had Ethan's birthday party this morning and it was a blast to have a house full of family & friends!

There were lots of tears and pouty faces today. Ethan really wanted to take his new trains EVERYWHERE. He loved all of his (many!) new toys... We may be a skipping gifts at Christmas this year as a result of the outpouring of presents today! There's no question - he is VERY well loved.

Now for miss Hannah!

I'm experiencing heartburn/reflux issues again. If waking up for the restroom or for water doesn't keep me up (sometimes for hours at a time), then reflux keeps me from going to sleep. Or both. I already have heartburn/reflux issues in pregnancy, but it is worsened by my iron supplement. I can't really stop taking that prescription, and we haven't found a prescription heartburn med that is safe for pregnancy AND helps me overcome my symptoms.

Y'all, I am tired. I know my sleep won't get better with a newborn, but I feel like having a little girl in my arms will at least feel more rewarding than this does. I cannot WAIT for the end of October to roll around. I'm not even going to think about her being late at this point.

How far along? 34 weeks! ~6 to go...
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Hopefully nothing new, I'm out of my lotion and haven't gotten more yet!
Sleep: What is that?
Miss anything? Sleep.
Movement: Getting restricted! She occasionally rolls from the left to the right, and I feel smaller kicks and flutters.
Food cravings: something savory...
Anything making you queasy or sick? Everything. A glass of OJ before bed kept me up last night.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None, but the Braxton-Hicks contractions are getting to be more frequent
Belly Button in or out? In,but flattening. We may see it pop out this time!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Sleepy.
Looking forward to: Doctor appointments for Hannah & Ethan on Thursday! It's Ethan's actual birthday, but I think the most celebrating we might do is to go to dinner out somewhere.
Prayers this week: Just a little relief from these symptoms would be excellent. I am really looking forward to having some input from my doctor when I see her!


{edit} I forgot! Hannah is about the size of a basketball hoop this week, and weighs around 5.5 lbs.


  1. I would cut out OJ entirely if you can. Anything acidic always makes heartburn worse. I'll be praying that it gets a lot better this week!

    1. Well, it was recommended that I drink OJ to help with the iron absorption (vitamin c helps) so I might be looking for alternatives to that. I can sometimes go days without any issues - when the Nexium does its job - I never know when it will or won't work! I've resigned to no food after about 7:30 and that seems to help a lot, except that I'm usually hungry around 9! ;)

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