Sunday, June 23, 2013

25 weeks, 6 days

This post is a day early, because I wisened up and realized that no one will be here tomorrow to take my week 26 picture! Honestly, I'm having a hard time even remembering which week it is. I'm fortunate to remember that they start on Mondays!

Next week starts my third trimester and my bi-weekly doctor appointments. My doctor will be measuring my belly externally to make sure that Ethan is as big as he needs to be. If you're wondering, yes, I feel huge. Austin made the comment today that he thought I wouldn't get much bigger, but he doesn't understand how pregnancy works. I get bigger because Ethan gets bigger - not because it's just a fun thing to do! :) He is in for a surprise.
{courtesy of}
I don't get these size comparisons sometimes. Last week he was the size of a head of cauliflower, which I tend to think of as larger than a head of lettuce... I guess I'm wrong?

I also felt Ethan hiccup this week. I don't think it was the first time, because I've felt this kind of rhythmic movement before, but it occurred to me that it probably wasn't him kicking - it was hiccups (thanks to a little research on Google!). Austin was very disappointed he couldn't feel that!

This weekend, my mom and I went shopping for fabric for Ethan's bedding. The above swatches will go into his quilt, which will have a soft white backing (my mom is nervous about the white!) and white trim. The material for the bumpers and skirt had to be ordered, so that will come later... but it going to look awesome.

Nursery update! 85% of the trim is up, but the rest of it needs to be painted white... and I need wood filler. Almost there!

I painted the window sill today!
For bump pictures, I opted to wear a tighter shirt (I really should come up with a standard shirt...) because I think the shirt from last week was a tiny bit big/misleading. Whoops!

I have to say, it's hard to manage a smile when you know your husband is leaving in a few hours!

How far along? almost 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I'm not sure
Maternity clothes? 90%
Stretch marks? none yet!
Sleep: Good! I can't make it through the night without a bathroom trip anymore.
Miss anything? My husband!
Movement: So much!
Food cravings: Nothing unusual this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! I finally bought some heartburn meds that my doctor approved and seem to work!
Have you started to show yet: Look at those pictures!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Zero
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, mostly! Sad that Austin is leaving :(
Looking forward to: My husband coming home! And decorating the nursery in the meantime :)


1 comment:

  1. I agree - a cauliflower is bigger than a head of lettuce. But both sound uncomfortable to carry around in your belly to me!
