Tuesday, June 11, 2013

week 24

Oh little Ethan... you sure are getting big! TheBump.com says you're about the size of a cantaloupe... but who are we kidding, you're clearly larger than that! All you wanted to do yesterday was prove that you're a big boy and taking over my body. You pushed something into my right rib - hard. I had a sharp pain for about an hour. And you wiggled all afternoon, which is new because I usually only feel you in the mornings before 11 am and at night after 8. I also felt you roll over for the first time, which was a very weird feeling. "Big" feels like an understatement, and we still have 16 weeks to go! I'm thankful for that extra time, because I know you need the time to grow, and your dad and I need that time to get ready for your arrival.

This Saturday, some of the women from our small group helped me wallpaper your nursery while your dad was traveling.
Beadboard wallpaper! The darker white lines are where
the seams are. I did an extra coat of paint on those to
make sure that they didn't show any blue paint through
the seam. This nursery is coming together!
Sunday, I painted the wallpaper and a little of the trim in the room. Your dad is going to come home and install tamper-resistant (babyproof) plugs in your room this week, along with the chair rail.

This is the dresser your Great Grammie gave us (thank you Grammie C!):

I put this together all by myself! It is SO TALL - taller than our kitchen
counter tops! I know Austin will be so glad he doesn't have to stoop over
to change Ethan!
I couldn't lift the package (even if I wasn't pregnant), so the people at IKEA and your Grandpa had to help me get it home. This is where we are going to change all your (cloth) diapers. :)

I also went this weekend to Nurtured Family to check out cloth diapers! Though Grandma still isn't on board (and will probably choose to use disposables at her/Grandpa's house) we both liked BestBottom the most. We will have to go check out a class sometime before we get them, but they seemed like the most reasonable option... Either those, or bumGenius!

So here it is... the weekly update!

How far along? 24 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I really try not to weigh myself. But my doctor says I'm perfect!
Maternity clothes? Lots!
Stretch marks? None yet, and I've been applying a special Cocoa butter I got on Maui.
Sleep: Last night was TERRIBLE - I had what Austin called "lava" (horrible heartburn) all night. Thanks, son!
Miss anything? Not having heartburn!
Movement: So much more than he was doing before! Rolling, kicking, pushing....
Food cravings: Sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: EVERYTHING gives me heartburn except milk/cereal.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely!
Gender: Boy... rambunctious little boy.
Labor Signs: Zero
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On! Though I keep forgetting them and hope no one thinks I'm single!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Oh goodness. It's been a moody week (poor Austin).
Looking forward to: putting up trim in Ethan's nursery, and hanging things on the walls!

I'm definitely looking forward to meeting our mondo-cantaloupe, but I am NOT looking forward to the third trimester! My prayer is (and will be) that he is a healthy and happy baby boy. 16 more weeks....

PS - I was waiting to post this so I could take a bump picture, but I'm not a fan of selfies so... maybe we'll get one tomorrow when the hubby is home!

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