Monday, June 3, 2013

week 23

We have had an insane weekend! We went to visit our old small group in Clarksville, TN, and enjoyed some wonderful weather and some great time catching up with out friends. We left Clarksville this morning at 3:45 AM and landed in Houston at 8 AM... the furloughs are that bad, and I'm 100% signing up for whatever that line is that just jumps through security. My pregnant, tired self (and my grumpy husband) envied those people this morning. Unfortunately for me, I can't just take a RedBull (like Austin can) to get over how tired I am!

Even more craziness will ensue: between Austin's trips to a border town (not awesome) weddings, and fixing our house up, Ethan is going to be here before we know it! (Anyone down for a beadboard wallpapering party??) We now have fewer than four months left. In the beginning, it seemed like this was going to take forever. After all, we found out on January 22nd. September 30th seemed like a long time to wait. So, sweet Ethan, you seem to have turned your mother into some kind of procrastinator; please do slow down time for me, as we have much to do before you arrive!

Hey little grapefruit-cantaloupe.

How do we make these pictures
NOT awkward?

How far along? 23 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Plenty of gain :) but in a healthy range, according to my doctor!
Maternity clothes? Daily!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: It's been pretty good! If I get up for the restroom, it hardly disturbs my sleep. Think of it as being slightly more conscious than a sleep-walker.
Miss anything? Caffeine.. more so each day.
Movement: His arm/leg flinging is getting harder every day!
Food cravings: Yogurt. Right now. Cookies (which would never have been true pre-pregnancy). Fro Yo. Sweet things!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Spicy foods seem to bring on the heartburn!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I can't really hide it anymore!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Nada
Belly Button in or out? Innie!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! And tired!
Looking forward to: finishing the paint in the nursery, and putting up beadboard wallpaper (eeeek)!

This weekend, a good friend asked what we were nervous about as parents, and what our parenting style is. Austin and I haven't had a serious conversation laying down the law on how we will be parents, because we feel that will largely be reflected in who/how our child(ren) is/are. I hope that we will address discipline and rules from a standpoint that they understand personally, not in a "because I said so" way. I think the Lord does that for us (sometimes we still can't understand, but I think He likes to grow us in those "teachable moments").

May my heart, eyes, and ears always be open to hearing and doing the Word of the Lord; especially with regard to raising our son (and any other kid(s)).


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