Monday, July 27, 2015

{Ethan}: 22 months | {Hannah}: 26+ weeks

I just had to tear myself away from the first baby book I've opened in preparations for Hannah's arrival. I'm soaking up this info, as this little girl is due in 3 months and 5 days! (ALMOST the 3rd trimester, y'all!!)

In the 22 months since Ethan was born, it's been easy to forget the newborn phase and its demands as we adapted to the next phase of Ethan's babyhood. Looking back, the time has flown by. I imagine that I will have a two and four year old in no time. That said, it's also sort of hard to believe that we have less than two months left before he becomes a two-year-old big boy. He's hilariously adorable in smiling BIG for the camera or phone, mimicking our words, counting to three, and singing his ABCs (especially L-M-N-O-P, which is 'lalalalala'!). We also try to find hilarity in the less-than-adorable moments... you know, for sanity's sake. There's a lot of whining lately, but at least he actually says please and thank you now (and signs them!). For several months, he was saying "mo" (more) and signing "please". Glad we straightened that one out!

This weekend, we took the little man to Austin. We love to visit the Thinkery, their children's museum, and we also LOVE to visit our friends Alex and Stephany, and their two adorable sons. We met Alex & Stephany in college, and we love getting to do this phase of parenthood with them. We're just sad that 2.5 hours separate our houses! We went to Zilker park, enjoyed a COLD spring-fed pool in a heat advisory, had a picnic lunch and rode the Zilker Zephyr train. We took a ride on Grammie's golf cart, explored several parks, ate great BBQ and got to play in the dirt with friends. It's almost enough to make us wish we lived in Austin. Almost. ;)

he loves trains

when concentrating, one MUST stick out one's tongue

all fruit are apples, all colors are yellow. this is Ethan's law.

getting ready to play with water!

that tongue again

Alex, Stephany and their adorababies

Alex teaching us to feed geese

trucks and trains at dinner at the Salt Lick

cruisin in a golf cart

more trucks

album cover
we seriously love this expression.
I'm 5'10", and Hannah is 14-15", and weighs between 1.6 and two pounds.
How far along? 26 weeks - 14 to go, ONE WEEK left in the second trimester!!!
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? No!
Sleep: Pretty darn good, though Ethan did wake us up last night. Thankfully, that's rare, and all the more reason to re-read these baby books and refresh my memory on how to have a good sleeper!
Miss anything? Being on vacation ;)
Movement: A lot! And I love the reminder that she's there.
Food cravings: Anything that won't make me feel bloated.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I took my heartburn pills this week, so.. no!
Gender: Girl!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, but harping on things when I'm not. Trying not to be a 'harper'.
Looking forward to: time with my mom before she goes back to work (teaching), White Linen Night this weekend, and an Astros game tomorrow!
Prayers this week: Still focusing on being quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry. Sorry if that's redundant (it feels like it to me, wish I could flip a switch!) but I believe that He's working it out!

Happily hitting the hay now, friends.


PS- Am I the only one who thinks the veggie/fruit comparisons don't do the baby justice? This week was zucchuni. Sorry, but a 14+" zucchini is rare, to say the least.

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