Friday, July 31, 2015

{Hannah}: 27 weeks & I'm packing my bags

I've been working on my packing lists for the hospital for several weeks now (surprised?), which is exciting because in about 3 months, I will actually get to use them! (Imagine me doing a little dance here.)

I'm planning on packing 3 bags, and putting them in my car in about 8 weeks (that feels far away and so close all at once). I'm making my lists now, though, because I tend to do better with these things when I have more time to think about what I do or don't want to take, what I wish I had last time, etc. 

Here's what I have so far:

My Bag
DSLR Camera
phone chargers
stretchy pants
dark pajama pants
warm socks (2 pairs)
grandma panties
comfy nursing bra
contacts case
tooth brush & paste
hair brush
hair ties
my going home outfit
nursing cardigan
shampoo, conditioner, soap, moisturizer
Nursing Mother's Companion (book)
reed oil diffuser & YL oils (tutorial:

Hannah's {Diaper} Bag
nursing pads
medela hydrogel pads (or ask for hospital to give you some)
nursing pillow
sleep & play + hat to go home in
white onesie (for pics)
white headband (for pics)
canvas for footprints (they will stamp it for you right after birth)

You'll notice diapers didn't make the list: hospitals give them to you. In fact, if you're like me and will meet your healthcare deductible anyway, it doesn't hurt to ask for hydrogel pads, nursing pads, lanolin, diaper rash cream... They will likely bring it!

The third bag I have to pack is Ethan's bag, with his typical overnight stuff for Grandma & Papaw's house. We plan to drop him off there on our way to the hospital, since their house is on the way. I haven't decided if we will do the sibling gift exchange yet (this is mostly for Ethan's benefit). If you have, what did you have them give each other? How else did you help get Baby 1 ready for Baby 2?

I should probably say I'm packing 4 bags because we all know that I will end up getting Austin's packed too! He did a pretty decent job with his last time so maybe he just needs to be reminded. ;)

How far along? 27 weeks! We are in the LAST trimester, folks!!
Maternity clothes? Yes! Just got a few steals at Motherhood today, actually. 
Stretch marks? No!
Sleep: mostly good as long as it's cool enough in here. It's not hot, it's just me.
Miss anything? Not taking heartburn pills daily. 
Movement: yes! You can SEE her moving!
Food cravings: sometimes I crave donut holes, but we have been working out 3x a week and I really don't want to undo that. I also don't carry cash and don't need to spend $5 on donut holes (the minimum CC payment)... But the struggle is real y'all. And tasty. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Only if I forget to have 6 small meals instead of 3 normal ones.
Gender: Hannah Girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On, about to go back to the jeweler though 😕
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, like a room without a roof!
Looking forward to: White Linen Night tonight!
Prayers this week: that Austin and I would be more regular with reading Ethan's kiddo Bibles and Bible stories at night. Last night, it was 8:45 before we realized the time and had to rush him to bed! Praying for fewer nights like that and more time teaching Ethan about the Lord. We want a better and more Christ-focused rhythm with Ethan that we can include Hannah on after she arrives!


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