Sunday, July 12, 2015

{Hannah}: 24 Weeks

I thought October 31st was a Sunday - I completely convinced myself of it - so I told myself I would post on Sundays. Theoretically it's a good idea anyway because it's the only day I'm guaranteed to wear makeup (church!). But I just checked, and that's wrong. Ha!

I am losing my mind, you guys. I think this is about the time I lost it with Ethan, too: one day, I made it all the way to work without shoes. This time, I walked to our mailbox and left the keys in it while I walked a block away and played at the park with Ethan for half an hour. I sprinted back to the mailbox with Ethan in his wagon when I realized what I did. Pregnancy brain is no joke. 

I also feel enormous lately.

I'm uncomfortable more often, have to recline when I sit (she's hanging out really low 90% of the time) and having a hard time finishing normal-sized meals as my stomach's space gets more and more restricted. 

Hannah is moving more than ever, and it's probably the most fun point in the pregnancy as far as getting to feel her move. As she gets bigger and space gets tighter, she definitely won't be doing as many flips! I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions, which are fairly uncomfortable but really nothing compared to real labor. Just enough to make me wince. Usually, drinking water or walking around helps me get over them!

How far along? 24 weeks - 16 to go!
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Pretty good - waking up to roll over and all that. 
Miss anything? Unlimited caffeine. 
Movement: Lots! Especially when I sit still :)
Food cravings: Cheese! My workouts are curbing the donut hole cravings!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Food in general, because I keep forgetting how little I can fit in my stomach.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Mostly happy but taking everything everyone says to heart. Not always good. 
Looking forward to: Galveston with my family (parents, brothers, sister-in-law) in 4 days!
Prayers this week: was reminded this week from some old noted to pray for specific parts of Hannah's growth & development - there are so many vital things happening at once, it's amazing!

Feeling so blessed to be on this hourney with Hannah, even when it's not easy, pretty, or fun. (Excuse me while I go take a Tums.)


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