Tuesday, May 21, 2013

21 weeks + 1 day

Austin and I had a crazy weekend. My dad came over and showed Austin how to install a door, and helped finish the railing in the front. Austin installed new locks (I screwed one up big time!), downspouts for our gutters (which were flooding our backyard), a new hook rack for the garage, and changed/fixed the ceiling fan in the guest room. Needless to say, the house is really coming together! I did work, too - I put together some furniture I got for my birthday from our moms:

New side table (I think we need a bigger
bin for controllers!).

New chairs & side table to form a separate sitting area
(An entertainment cabinet for the back left corner is next
on the list). The pillows came with the chairs but I dyed them.

Entryway! All cleaned up, and bright! The
yellow bench actually faces those two chairs
featured above.
I also adjusted some other decorations, installed peel-and-stick tile under our kitchen sink, and cleaned up after my husband! Sunday, I got a French bakery sign to add to the left wall of the living room, too.

On Saturday, we got two huge trash bags full of clothes sized 0-6 months for Ethan. This is what it looked like as I was sorting through it:

Lots of camo means Ethan will blend in with the Strickland men
I ended up keeping a little over half of it. The hoodies and onesies have used over 65 hangers! The pants and pajamas are still on the floor because we don't have a dresser for them. I know that we don't need any more pants (there are a ton), but considering that it will be getting chilly shortly after little Ethan joins us, I think we could use more hoodies/jackets/hats for when we go places.

Ethan is also measuring ahead of where he is supposed to be (right now he "should" be a pomegranate but according to his 19 week ultrasound, he is probably closer to a papaya) so I don't think we will need/use the newborn sized clothes. That's just as well, because we only received a few of those.

Let's all pretend my hair doesn't
look that bad today...
How far along? 21 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 10 + lbs. That's TMI already.
Maternity clothes? Yes... only one pair of my own pants still fit!
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: I haven't slept through the night without even a light wake up in a while. The good news is that I'm not waking up to go to the restroom.
Miss anything? Caffeine!
Movement: Yes! Morning and night are his favorite times. He always moves when I lay down for sleep and when I first come in to work. He also wiggles throughout the day, and Austin has felt him move!
Food cravings: None lately, but I am forcing myself to eat more fruit... all for the good of my son!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, fortunately, and the heartburn is either getting better or my food hasn't been as spicy
Have you started to show yet: Yep! But I could still be confused as having a pudgy belly. Good news is that I still have a small waist (trying to keep it that way).
Gender: a sweet little boy.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Still in there! But getting shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy?
Looking forward to: Dressing Ethan in some of these cute clothes we just got!

Love you all,

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