Thursday, September 5, 2013

week 36.5 ultrasound

I have to say I'm really disappointed... the DVD recorder for the Ultrasound didn't work! However, the technician assured me that this one is harder to see than the 20 week anatomy scan (since he is SO BIG), so the DVD isn't as fun/good. I agreed shortly after I saw the video!

I had guessed that the little man was actually a big man.. and I was right! Right now, Ethan weighs 7 lbs! The doctor walked in the room and said that I was hiding this big baby well. It pays to be tall! To give some perspective, the average baby weighs about 6 1/3 lbs at 37 weeks (or where I will be in 4 days). He is expected to gain a half a pound a week.

Ethan's foot (top of the picture)

Ethan's profile (that's his nose, his foot is in his mouth)

Better profile picture 

His leg is at the top

They confirmed it's a boy! The arrow is hard to see, but it's toward the top right.
I was glad they confirmed that Ethan is a boy! Austin's mom was told that her first baby, his sister, would be a boy. Of course, the machines have come a long way since the 1980's, but it was reassuring, nonetheless!

Some exciting news: I'm currently 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. They measured this after I mentioned waking up at 1 am yesterday with sharp contractions that subsided after a few minutes walking around. This could mean something if this has progressed recently, or nothing, as I may walk around like this for a while. Our next appointment is back to being on a Monday, so we will know in just a few days what his progress is.

Unfortunately, my amniotic fluid was low. My doctor told me to drink more water, though I told her I drank over 130 oz yesterday (the average person should drink 64 in a day) and already had 80 at that point today. This could signal complications in delivery (seriously, don't look it up. It is scary), but she did not seem too worried, and just told me to drink more water.

The doctor did give orders for Austin not to travel anymore, as I am dilated, and he was returning from Lubbock today. This may interfere with his plans to bird hunt with my brothers, but fortunately they're being pretty understanding!

That's all the news for now... looking forward to seeing Ethan's progress on Monday!


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