Monday, September 16, 2013

week 38

Baby Ethan is hanging tight in my belly. I have to say, it hasn't been easy. Sleep has been ridiculous - I wake up 4-8 times per night to drink water, roll over, or go to the restroom (or maybe all three). It doesn't make for restful sleep, so my days are long, and I spent a good amount of the weekend napping.

I also will admit that being in the hospital over a week and a half ago with painful contractions got me mentally prepared to meet Ethan, so it was a bit of a letdown when he didn't come that day. It's hard not to put too much hope into each day that this would be the day he chooses to come.

Today, the doctor gave some really unexpected news. I typically have low blood pressure - it has never been a concern. My blood pressure was up quite a bit today from last week (130/80 as opposed to 112/70). Though it is typical for a woman's blood pressure to raise at the end of her pregnancy, my doctor seemed moderately concerned and asked that I get my blood pressure tested if I have any sign of a headache. Though my blood pressure isn't quite at pre-eclampsia levels, they are running other tests to see if there is a risk for pre-eclampsia.

On the bright side, we continue to receive wonderful presents from family, friends, and neighbors! I think we are going to have the best-dressed baby boy - I may never have to do laundry!

How far along? 38 weeks!
Weight gain: Probably not anything extra
Maternity clothes? Yep, I'm sticking to maternity dresses (mostly)
Stretch marks? Just one over my belly button.
Sleep: I tried to get some extra this weekend, so I feel well-rested, but it may not last long!
Miss anything? Not at this point!
Movement: He is definitely more subdued - space must be getting tight! If the ultrasound was accurate, he is around 7 lbs 12 oz or so right now (likely reaching around 8 lbs on Thursday).
Food cravings: Nothing crazy this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn, if I forget to take my medicine!
Have you started to show yet: You can't tell?
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nothing this week!
Belly Button in or out? It's in/flat. I don't think it's going to pop out.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody! Not sleeping makes for a moody mama.
Looking forward to: Ethan's debut!



  1. We will be praying for y'all! Where is the bump picture?!

  2. Austin had left for work already, and we've been home for .2 seconds this week so there wasn't one :(

    We will get one next week!!

  3. Totally get weeks like that! We will be looking for it next week!
