Monday, September 23, 2013

week 39

I had a really uneventful weekend, which is exactly what we had planned. We got a ton of rain (about 8") Friday night, along with more thunder than Bear has heard in his entire life. We learned that the poor guy probably needs a Thundershirt, but since we didn't have one, we both cuddled up on the floor with him. It was really sweet! (We also ended up completely covered in white hair!)
Panting through a lightning storm!
Saturday, Austin went dove hunting with Sam, which made his weekend a bit more eventful than mine! He completed his hunter's safety course just before the hunt, so now he can do a lot more hunting with the Strickland guys in the future! I think dove hunting is his new favorite thing... He's even thinking about saving for a shotgun!

This morning, our little furbaby wasn't feeling so great. Poor guy had a dry nose and isn't eating. We're watching him to make sure he is okay. He threw up once this weekend (he eats a lot of things he shouldn't eat, though). I think I see a vet trip in our future...

Austin went to work early again, so I opted for the selfie, rather than skipping another week!
How far along? 39 weeks! Let's go, Ethan!
Weight gain: A billion pounds
Maternity clothes? Still loving the dresses...
Stretch marks? Just one over my belly button.
Sleep: I keep waking up in the middle of the night - not fun! I did get to sleep in today, though.
Miss anything? Not at this point!
Movement: I can tell he is running out of room. Come on out, Ethan!
Food cravings: Nothing crazy this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn, if I forget to take my medicine..
Have you started to show yet: You can't tell?
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nothing right now... we're dilated to 3 cm, though!
Belly Button in or out? It's in/flat. It's definitely not going to pop out.
Wedding rings on or off? On, miraculously!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired.
Looking forward to: Ethan's debut!


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