Saturday, June 27, 2015

{Hannah}: 22 weeks

I just posted about Ethan this week, so I don't have a lot to say today, but we did have a really fun day in Tomball with some friends! So thankful that we have some close friends nearby, that we get to see them more often, and that they love our kid so much!

I mean, come on. 😍

We had an especially hard time getting picture I liked... So I picked a few fun ones:

And we are checking off another week with Hannah, who is the size of a large ear of corn (this just so happens to be Ethan's favorite food!). 

How far along? 22 weeks - 18 to go!
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Great sleep last night, and Ethan slept until 7 today!!
Miss anything? Being able to take cold medicine for a cold.
Movement: Love being able to feel her move. She is really low in there, must be cozy!
Food cravings: Queso. I want all the queso.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have lots of congestion in my sinus cavity. It's not been a good week - had to miss the first women's bible study of the summer because I felt so sick!
Gender: Little girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Very emotional lately, sad that Austin won't have any time off with us this summer because he has to save his PTO for Hannah's arrival.
Looking forward to: Galveston with my family (parents, brothers, sister-in-law) in under a month!! And also not being an emotional pregnant lady in +/- 4 months. 
Prayers this week: my prayer for Hannah-girl lately has been more aimed at me: for discipline. I have been asking The Lord to help me to recognize and then work in me to release bad habits/traits that I don't want to pass on to Hannah (or Ethan)!


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