Monday, July 22, 2013

30 weeks!

Alright, Ethan! We are 3/4 of the way done! At our last doctor's appointment, the doctor said I should gain 1 pound per week for the rest of the pregnancy (yikes, that seems like a lot!), and that Ethan is perfect. He's getting so big that we can now hear him moving around when we listen for his heartbeat. I love that the doctor's visits are getting more frequent, and that we get updates on Ethan more often.  Since I'm getting a little overwhelmed by baby advice, I like being reassured that he is perfect and exactly where he should be! It's a reminder that the Lord is in control and that things will be fine! I was also prescribed heartburn medicine this week, which has made a huge difference. I had salsa for the first time in months last week!

If you read this blog, I'm guessing you're interested in our little guy, so I ask that you join us in praying for two things for Ethan over these next 10 weeks whenever you think of us or Ethan, or whenever you find yourself reading this blog!

  1. The first thing is that Ethan would be healthy, happy, and growing strong. I think this one is fairly obvious, because every parent wants these things for their baby!
  2. The second is much more important: we want to see Ethan grow in knowing the Lord intimately. Our hope is that he would surrender his life to the Lord and follow Him even to the ends of the earth.
I know the next ten weeks will go by quickly (give or take a week or so) and that our little man will be here before we know it, but I am still grateful for the time we have to get ready for him physically, mentally, and spiritually. Pray also for us, that our primary role as parents would always be to set an example for our son in godliness, service, and in pursuing a relationship with Christ.

This week, Austin and I are resting from working on our house. If the mood strikes us, we might, but yesterday we enjoyed an afternoon with family, watching Tyson & Bear play at my parents' house, sitting outside with our pup on our patio, (and Austin enjoyed playing Call of Duty for a couple of hours...). I love that we've done the bulk of the work we need to do on our house - it is a huge relief. I'm looking forward to some time at home with Austin and relaxing!

Mommy, play with my milk carton!

Look how fun it is!

Did you get any good pictures?
(Bear does not care about pictures)

Hey bump!

How far along? 30 weeks!! 3/4 of the way done!
Maternity clothes? Not today, but they are forgiving...
Stretch marks? Not yet - I put on special lotion every night in trying to avoid them.
Sleep: Most nights are fine; Sundays in particular are awful.
Miss anything? a flat stomach, my clothes... 
Movement: Very often!
Food cravings: Nothing special, a bit of an aversion to sweets though (probably from excessive amounts on Saturday!)
Anything making you queasy or sick: not with my new medicine :)
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: bouncing baby boy!
Labor Signs: Zero
Belly Button in or out? In... but it may actually become an outie by the time this is through!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: A mixture of both?
Looking forward to: baby showers! All FOUR of them!


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