Tuesday, July 9, 2013

week 28 + 1 day

I'm starting to think we should have opted to name our baby "Wiggle Worm" instead of "Ethan." This last week, he's been moving so much that it's distracting when I'm trying to get work done! Or sleep, or watch TV... I'm always wondering what he's doing in there.

These are officially bogus.
Last week, it said up to 2.5 lb.
How is he shrinking?

I haven't made much more progress on the nursery this week, but all that's left are the closet doors (sigh... I'm afraid that may have to happen) and the tamper-proof plugs. We're almost ready for you, Ethan! We've been working hard to get the other "big" house stuff done before Ethan comes. This week, we're replacing our tile floors in the kitchen and entryway, because some of our tiles in the kitchen (which were cracked when we bought the house) shattered... and we can't have a baby around that. By the time it's done, it'll be like we're in a whole new house! We'd hoped to replace our carpets and windows before Ethan comes, but decided we were being a little over-ambitious. We really just want to wrap up projects we've already started, which includes our master bathroom. The more Ethan grows, the less helpful I am, so the less work we can do! Our house is going to be a complete mess starting on Friday, but this time next week, we will have new floors that cover about 25% of our house. Yay!!

It hit me like a ton of bricks this weekend that we are having a baby soon. This pregnancy has zoomed past us, and I know Ethan will be in our arms before we know it. Weren't we just in Hawaii last month? Next month we have the baby showers, and then it's September - when Ethan comes! (Hopefully September - we have too many October birthdays in our family already!) We made another trip to Babies R Us this weekend and I think we have the registry done. I mean, we've never done this "baby" thing before, so who knows...?

The lighting is a little off, but look at our cute furbaby!
Oh, and that big ol' bump. Hey there, giant baby!

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: not sure
Maternity clothes? yep - and I have lots of new ones, thanks to my mother-in-law, Laura! (thanks Laura!)
Stretch marks? doing my best to avoid them with cocoa butter.
Sleep: What sleep? I don't think I slept last night.
Miss anything? more caffeine, not having heartburn (rather, not having to take heartburn meds daily)
Movement: Lots right now!
Food cravings: Salty food!
Anything making you queasy or sick: just heartburn...
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Zero
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Is tired an option??
Looking forward to: having new floors :)


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