Tuesday, July 16, 2013

week 29 + 1 day

I realize that I'm not posting on Mondays... but it just so happens that my partner-in-crime has been unavailable, and I decided that these posts really need a bump picture. That said, here's hoping we actually see a decrease in hubby's travel, and more time together in the 3rd trimester than we had in the 2nd! Unfortunately, he still is not home, so until next week....

Ethan is moving around more than ever, and things are getting real - he is due in 11 weeks (I really hope he comes in September!) and I can no longer pretend that this birth-thing isn't going to happen. Yikes. Ethan, we're excited that you're coming, but mommy is not excited about that little part. Never have been! It is a means to an end, however.

Right now, we're working on a packing list and a phone tree to get the word out to the family when I go into labor (if I don't end up late/induced). Things are going to feel much more "real" when when showers are over and the bag is actually packed in a few weeks!

Austin and I still have quite a bit on our house to-do list that we want to knock out in the next couple of months, but as my ability to help becomes limited, we're prioritizing that list! We also realize that Ethan could come early, so we're trying to get the "necessary" stuff done early.

My parents (Grandma & Grandpa to Ethan) came over last night to see the completed work on our tile in the kitchen, and said they really liked how our house was coming together (yay! Our hard work is paying off!). The best part was when my dad started inspecting Ethan's room. My mom asked cosmetic questions, like whether I'd paint those stupid closet doors (yes, ugh.....). Dad, on the other hand, asked if I was going to secure the items on the floating shelves because, "if any of those fall on my grandson's head, I'm going to be angry." I guess you never stop being a dad! He also asked about other safety concerns, such as the outlets, but we all know that's on "the list." Needless to say, I'm excited to see my parents as Ethan's grandparents. My mom is what I call a "baby-snatcher" (meaning that she will take your baby and hold it all day if you let her) and my dad is a sucker for kids. I also can't wait to see Ethan play (someday) with his cousin Jackson... and hopefully many more cousins one day. Ahem...

How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained more than I wanted to!
Maternity clothes? always
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: I try to...
Miss anything? not having heartburn/reflux/sleeping flat
Movement: lots - especially during church on Sunday. That was cute, son :)
Food cravings: Tex-Mex (when am I not craving that?)
Anything making you queasy or sick: bending, trying to bend, thinking about bending, sleeping flat
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: bouncing baby boy!
Labor Signs: Zero, don't even have Braxton-Hicks contractions.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think this question is better for Austin to answer...
Looking forward to: meeting this little guy!


1 comment:

  1. EmmyKate used to move around a lot during church too. I would just say she was praising Jesus!
