Monday, April 8, 2013

bump - fifteen weeks

Without further ado, here's a picture of the bump!

Having a fixer-upper house (still lots more to be done!) and a new puppy means that Austin and I are really busy people! I hadn't been taking bump pictures because A) there wasn't much of a bump.. at all and B) we've been really busy!

I feel like I exploded over the weekend (yikes) but hey, I knew I had to start showing at some point! Why not at 4 months?

Also a cool thought: our mondo-baby (we all know s/he
will be enormous) is growing at his/her own rate now! For the first trimester-ish all babies are about the same. You can still track about how big the average baby is via the baby tracker, but I have a feeling ours is a little bigger :) and not just because I think the doctor has our due date off by about 5 days! Anytime in the next two to three weeks, I could start to feel baby move!

Getting excited about finding out if it is a Hannah or an Ethan (though apparently, everyone thinks baby is a Hannah!). Four more weeks!!


PS -  does anyone else think the shadow on this picture reminds them of the Shallow Hal movie cover?


  1. So exciting! It's such a cute bump!! The McIntires are split between an Ethan or a Hannah. We have a bet going :)

    1. There are a lot of people who feel strongly that it's a girl. I am not convinced either way in the least, though! I will be surprised either way (and I wish we knew already so I could buy things!!!).
